Her fondness for the lightness and unpredictability of watercolour make it her favourite medium and her watercolour paintings can be described as bold and fresh. She has won several awards both nationally and internationally and has been working as a professional artist for the past four years.
She exaggerates both light and colour and explains her technique as trying to emulate the mind when it recalls certain memories or places. She learned her trade in the open air and still insists plein air is an important part of her evolution and continued growth as an artist. Kate also teaches and has given multiple workshops in major plein air festivals throughout Ireland.
“Plein air painting is an important part of my process, indeed a necessary addition to my visual development – it informs every studio painting I do. When you paint plein air nature is your tutor, a benign and patient master who gentle guides your hand with each lesson and with each and every interaction brings better understanding of the landscape and its myriad of colours and moods. Landscapes are a perfect way of expressing the beauty of the world around me. Learning to paint is a slow process, but once mastered I believe there is a duty to give back to the world by adding beauty to it. I have borrowed so much from nature and continue to do so, so I hope I do her justice in my works and by my works show my love of her.” – Kate Kos